Looking for Type O Cram 2x18 Flex files

  • I have looked and unless I'm blind (or niave) I've come to no avail. Can anyone help out with some flex files for the Type O Cram 2×18. I've yet to give making them myself a go and would appreciate someone more qualified to provide them 😅 Please help, or tell me to do the work myself 😆

  • Hey Callum,

    There is a link to the Type O CRAM 2x18" listed on the Paraflex Plans page, though that page is a little difficult to navigate! The link leads to the original HOQS guides post for the 2x18" CRAM on the FB group (so it may be outdated now).

    Check out The Sound Guys page which has a few downloadable plans, these might be more up to date, but I'm unsure of the quality of the plan as I've not looked over this exact PDF yet.

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